Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A good way to psych yourself out

Don't get me wrong here.

I love a good meme that floats around the interwebs and suddenly becomes popular.  I find these ones particularly funny, and new ones have been popping up everyday.  These also sparked a thought for me as well.  For the people who are just starting out in their career paths, sometimes the blunt truth is well, blunt.  I find it interesting that people admit to the difference between what they "think they do" and what they "actually do", and in all cases of these memes, the difference is more than a negative.  So why not strive to be what you actually think you do?  Because someone else has somehow accomplished it, why not you?  You might impress your friends, parents, society, and most importantly, yourself.

"Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood." -Khalil Gibran

Why not advance?
From philosophy major to graphic designer to marketing director at a cable company.  That path, as explained by my boss, was a series of events that made him exactly what he is today.  This is a man that says if you are not providing your full energy into your goals at least eight hours a day, then you are completely wasting your time.

The evolution of your career.
The chaos theory when applied to economics: The branch of mathematics that deals with complex systems whose behavior is highly sensitive to slight changes in conditions, so that small alterations can give rise to strikingly great consequences (Roe, Mark J, Chaos and Evolution in Law and Economics, 109 Harv. L. Rev. 641 1995-1996 ).

The same theory applied to your career:  Its not about where you start, or what society thinks you should be doing, its the events in your that mold you into your career, your energy levels, your relationships with others that lead you to exactly who you are.  However, if you want to become something, such as a social media manager, apply and work towards your goals, every single day.  The bottom line is amongst the chaos of your life, you have control over your goals that cause you to become what everyone (including you) think you should be.  Its the same principle.


  1. I love this theory! I have a hard time taking people seriously who think they will just do the minimum amount of work and somehow get a satisfying career out of that. People don't succeed in life by doing nothing or fooling around. If you don't think it's worth putting effort in, you probably shouldn't be doing it in the first place!

  2. First of all, you need to like what you are doing for a living. I mean, you have to do it every day so you better like it. If you want to climb the ladder so to speak, you need to be willing to put the time in. People seem to expect so much from their careers without putting any effort into improving their skills. Your responsibility doesn't stop once you're hired. It is an ongoing self improving state you need to be willing to be in. Your going into some aspect of advertising, why not be the best! You have 45 years or more to practice your passion, don't sit back and expect great things to happen, make them happen.

  3. I love the connection you made between the chaos theory and careers. I've been noticing this new meme so much that I stopped paying attention to new ones popping up on my News Feed. I didn't really stop to think much about the different categories of it, more specifically, "What I think I do" & "What I do". You're right. Why should they be different? If you apply yourself and actually want to do something, why shouldn't it be what you're doing?
