Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Good things are good.

"Waste not a moment" - Tibor Kalman

When I talk about "doing good stuff"by utilizing the capabilities and unique broad reach social media sites offer, I don't mean McDonald's cutting out the pink slime from their food and attempting to recover on Twitter.  I mean the feel-good, do-it-to-better-the-world kind of movement, that use social media as an outlet to communicate their message.  One particular movement, "Project Unbreakable, is attempting to cut through the "pink slime" of the social media world and get the word out about important issues.

When the Contagiousness of Social Media Helps
As a way of empowerment for sexual abuse victims, Grace Brown, an art student, started the Tumblr entitled "Project Unbreakable- The Beginning of Healing Through Art".  Through this site, rape and sexual abuse victims can post quotes from their attackers and abusers, in hopes to empower others to speak out.  Grace has also been traveling from city to city, photographing those who wish to share their quotes as well.  She uses her site to help spread the word about where she will be next (pictured below).  According to an article about her project on, Grace "plans on photographing survivors for as long as she possibly can. Her goal is to spread light, awareness, and healing for those who have been affected."

The Bottom Line--Keeping Up Can Save Lives
Keeping up with social media trends are deemed beneficial in the advertisement and shedding positive light on negative choices big businesses have made.  However, when it comes to using these trends to simply spread word about horrible and very real situations, awareness is spread.  That being said, for people like Grace Brown and others like her, I really do believe the words of Tibor Kalman, because wasting a moment means wasting resources that can truly work for the betterment of others.

The best part is, as soon as I click "Publish" the word will spread to you, too.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true, social media can be used for so many GOOD reasons other than just connecting with friends and meeting new people. Its a great way to spread a message like Project Unbreakable and thousands of other organizations that would like to also spread their message and to allow their campaign to catch some friction! The best way is to reach out and get the message to as many people as possible and the quickest way is through social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.
